Monday, March 1, 2010

Never get your honey from where you make your money....(posted by Nishit Ganatra u109031)

The prevalent issue for discussion being ‘Love Contract’ takes us to an alley where in there is a unanimous connectedness with every individual discussing it. In my opinion, the very need for such contracts, often dubbed as “Consensual Relationship Agreements” suffices the need to brand them as implications of the cautious approach that companies are taking to counter each and every adversity that might come their way.

From the employer’s point of view, it clears them from any future account of Sexual Harassment Charges in case the relationship doesn’t fall into place. So it basically depicts the defensive strategy of the post-recession breed of managers. There is no denial to the fact that owing to the competitiveness of modern day businesses and add to it the unpredictability of the outcomes which make them paralyzed (current example: the economic slump), the policies of the corporate have directly or indirectly become restrictive. Hence the new kid in the block is a Love Contract which makes the parties involved, sign a mutually consented contract admitting the relationship and also giving a nod to the company to take the required action in case their performance gets affected adversely out of it. Hence from the employer’s point of view, it is quite a fool-proof approach of dealing with affairs within the organization. However this has a dark side to it as well which we will discuss below.

On the other hand, to the employees, it is almost a blasphemy to make them sign the contract that they are party to it that the company might take necessary actions owing to them having indulged in a relationship. Blasphemy because of two fundamental reasons: it makes them reveal their personal life in front of their professional one, and the most hurting thing being that a relationship driven by emotions can never, in any part of the world, be constrained by a piece of legal document. It would actually act exactly opposite to its purpose, meaning that the very experience of going through such a contract signing process and the implications of the contract will cause serious repercussions as far as the trust between the employee and the employer is concerned.

The contract might as well be used in various capacities by different parties involved. For example, the top level executives derive an undue advantage out of this contract to indulge in a relationship with their sub-ordinates and easily walk off as the decision will almost always be in their favor. However, an interesting idea strikes me as I write this. Can there be any company/industry which will never need a love contract and bang comes the answer: Bollywood or for that matter any Film making industry. It is very much evident these days how actors-actresses get linked up almost on a daily basis on account of them making a film together. Drawing an analogy from this, considering the effects of such a rumor acting like fodder to the publicity of the movie, the producers and directors will be more than happy if his actor and actress enter into a relationship. However it should not be forgotten that this is a contractual form of employment where in the relationship (of course between the producer and his actors) ends with the movie, this might work but when it comes to conventional forms of businesses, this might not apply.

“Never mix your personal and professional lives” is an age old adage that has become almost implicit for an employee. However it is to be noted that the more freedom he gets in dealing with his personal matters the better it is for the organization. Love contracts do make it fool proof for the employer but along with that they take away too many positives to be considered beneficial for the organization.

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